Weight in notification
创新互联专注于企业成都全网营销推广、网站重做改版、南昌县网站定制设计、自适应品牌网站建设、H5开发、成都做商城网站、集团公司官网建设、外贸网站建设、高端网站制作、响应式网页设计等建站业务,价格优惠性价比高,为南昌县等各大城市提供网站开发制作服务。When multiple Notifications are simultaneously triggered for the same record and addressed to the same recipient(s), the Weight field value is used to determine which notification(s) to send and which to skip. Use the Weight field to prevent recipients from receiving multiple or conflicting notifications for the same target table record or event.
Notifications with a Weight value of zero are always sent.
If notifications have non-zero Weight values, only the notification with the highest Weight value is sent.
If multiple notifications have the same non-zero Weight value and that value is the highest, all notifications with that value are sent.