代表传说:女子祈祷舞—— “相传有一位身材绝佳的妙龄女子,婚后不能生育,来到神庙祈祷。她在神像前投足、扭腰、摆臀,好似舞蹈,祈求生育之神,能圆她的美梦。她那婀娜多姿的优美舞蹈,使在场的祭司们为之倾倒,即刻禀报了法老。后来将她的‘舞蹈’作为祭司舞蹈。”这种说法认为,东方舞蹈正是由这种舞蹈发展起来的。 印证—— 肚皮舞舞者跳舞时要打着赤脚的传统,正印证了在古代肚皮舞是一种宗教仪式的说法,舞者赤脚正是要表示亲近自然,与大地保持最直接的联系,表现大自然与人类繁衍生命力的深远意境。 这种说法还有另一个典型例证——肚皮舞当中两个慢动作就是对妇女生产时腹部动律的模仿。并且有一种理论就是主张肚皮舞是起源于中东地区怀孕的妇女们为顺利身产所做的准备动作。 美国有一位民俗学家就记载了她在摩洛哥一个偏僻村落中亲眼目睹的一场惊心动魄的“舞蹈生育仪式”。她以惊异的笔触记载了当时的场面:一位摩洛哥妇女临盆分娩之际,村落中其他妇女在她的周围密密匝匝围成三圈,她们一边歌唱,一边翻滚着她们的腹部,并不时地把腹部用力地回拉,动作比我们现在肚皮舞动作中说的“flutter(拍打抖动)”更慢更强烈,她们一边重复着这些动作,一边把排列的圆圈顺时针移动……一个新的小生命诞生了,男子们雀跃了,妇女们仍然继续她们的歌唱和舞蹈,直至日落,这位民俗学家也感动得哭了。 生命如此神圣,如此珍贵,肚皮舞就是对生命的礼赞——这也是肚皮舞的原始精神所在。今天,当我们随着那仿佛来自洪荒远古的鼓点翩翩起舞时,是否能体会到这些许古老意蕴?
肚皮舞起源于宫廷与情欲 代表传说:莎乐美的故事—— 莎乐美是古希律王的继女,她的母亲Herodias为杀死反对她和希律王婚姻的信徒约翰,让莎乐美给希律王跳七层纱之舞。 她身着七层薄纱在希律王面前翩翩起舞,然后随着音乐的节奏慢慢地依次退去身上的每一件纱衣,玉臂轻舒、舞步飘转……当最后一层轻纱从莎乐美晶莹无暇的身体上褪下,少女之美令希律王为之疯狂,王许给她一个愿望,哪怕是要巴比伦的一半国土,王也会应承。于是莎乐美按照母亲的指示提出了要国王把约翰的人头盛在盘子里呈献给她要求。 有一种说法认为,莎乐美所跳的“七重纱之舞”(Dance of the Seven Veils),就是肚皮舞的前身,“七重纱之舞”起源于古巴比伦神话——有一位战争与爱情女神名叫伊什塔尔(Ishtar),她也是大地女神,传说她是月亮的女儿,有着能令妖魔也为之倾倒的美艳容貌,为了追寻死去的情人塔木兹(Tammuz)下到地狱里,终于获得成功,回到了地上。传说这位女神从上天下到地狱时,每降下一重天、进一重门,便脱去一层纱衣,依次渐渐失却她的神性。可谓是为了爱情不顾一切,不禁让人想起了中国古典传奇中同是为爱情上天入地的白娘子,还有那位为情而亡,又为情重生的杜丽娘。七重纱之舞便是模仿伊什塔尔从天体降到地狱时那样,一次次地脱去纱衣,在这过程中,不断调动各种肢体语言,是一种十分具有官能刺激的张扬着情欲的舞蹈。
印证—— 另一段历史传说也印证了肚皮舞起源于宫廷情欲的说法:在鄂图曼土耳其帝国时期,苏丹王朝的后宫是美女如云,拥有三千佳丽,于是,如何能赢得苏丹王的眷顾,集三千宠爱于一身,便成了后宫女眷们日思夜虑的事情。而据说苏丹王遴选佳丽的方法让宫女们用纱巾蒙上面部,仅仅裸露出腹部在苏丹王面前翩翩起舞,于是宫女们腹部技巧高超与否也成为了能否吸引王注意的一大因素。东方舞就是在这样的情况下在后宫逐渐流行起来,又由于宫女们大多是被买卖进宫的,按当时规定在七年合约期满后就可以出宫,于是再自然不过的,这些出宫的女眷们就把后宫中的舞蹈带到了民间,这种舞蹈渐渐成为了人们在聚会或节日中的娱乐表演形式,渐渐成为了人们生活中的.一部分。真是“旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家”呀。 这个传说也恰恰能解释为什么今天土耳其风格的肚皮舞无论在动作还是服装上都比其它风格的肚皮舞更为魅惑俏丽、热辣奔放,为什么土耳其肚皮舞有更多的地板动作。
总之,无论肚皮舞是否真的起源于宫廷,毋庸置疑的是, 肚皮舞的确曾经是阿拉伯世界中的宫廷舞蹈 ,也难怪有人会称肚皮舞是阿拉伯的芭蕾舞了,在地位上,的确是相当于17世纪法国宫廷的芭蕾舞。 今天爱跳肚皮舞的人们,是否记得几千年前的阿拉伯宫廷中那一个个倩影,是用尽了她们所有的爱在进行着每一个动作,是爱给了她们舞动的力量,在这个意义上,肚皮舞是对爱——这个永恒主题的表达。
肚皮舞 并非女性的专利
东方舞蹈家、历史学家Tarik Sultan向我们解释,“直到20世纪,肚皮舞才成为纯女性表演的舞蹈,在受到欧洲影响之前(17世纪晚期),东方男性表演者并不稀奇,而是非常常见。
拍子(beat): 我们首先要理解音乐,拍子是很重要的,刚开始跳舞的同学老是跟不了拍子,每次出来的动作都会比音乐拍子快,这就导致了舞蹈和音乐没有关系,效果就是一盘散沙。练习很简单的,我们强调的是dance to the music 任何的舞蹈都要与音乐结合才行,在上课的时候前面我们会做准备运动,那个时候就是听音乐的时候了。
记住:要全身心的去听音乐的拍子和旋律,这样做的好处是让音乐给自己带来一个状态,与现实生活脱离的状态,完全进入音乐,让心情变舒畅!如何去跟好拍子,其实很简单,每一个准备运动的动作也是跟音乐节拍有关系的!每一个节拍都清晰明了的出现在我们的耳朵里,只是你有没有用心去听而已,在做每个准备动作的时候我们会听见音乐里有一个 “咚” “啪”, 常规音乐都是这样。
我们的动作就是跟着这两个点走的,无论多快无论多慢,这个定律都是不变的!有的同学说,我跟上了拍子的,其实我们用眼睛看到你的动作不是快了就是慢了!!原因是这样的:我们仔细听咚 啪 两拍,咚的时候是有一定的持续时间 啪 也是同样的道理,很多同学是咚还没有咚完就匆匆忙忙的进行了下一个动作,这就造成了抢拍,在练习的时候就要用慢歌来练习,我们的基训时间大多是慢歌,把音乐拍子的持续时间用耳朵听出来,慢慢习惯之后你的动作永远都不会脱离轨道,这样的话你就成功了一半了!所以动作不在多和花,只要你能把拍子跟好才能 dance to the music 再强调一点:没有拍子这个东西,再多的动作都是像浮云一般寂寞!!再简单的动作能把拍子跟好的话,一切都是锦上添花!
灵魂(soul) :我们把拍子练习好之后,每个动作跳出来之后都很好看了,但是缺乏生命。如何把生命力注入到舞蹈中呢?其实练习起来也是很简单的。第一:也是在准备运动中去练习,音乐放出来之后用全身心去体会它,体会成你听到的感觉是什么,通俗点说,音乐可让人可惜可悲浮想连篇,同样的道理你听到这首歌之后是什么感觉,这就称为舞感!把基本的感觉和心情再结合动作去释放自己的内心活动,你的动作就会有生命力了,记住:首先要感动自己,然后看你跳舞的人就会被你感动!
所以一个好的 dancer 在跳舞的时候是很忘我的。基础训练的歌曲是最能让人感觉到舒服的,同学们可以感受歌曲里的东西,当然每个人的感受是不同的,比如一个音乐放出来,有的人感觉很积极、有一种冲动在里面,而有的人感受是:想起以前分手的情景,这就是对音乐感情的理解。一个好的dancer 是能够把他所有理解到的和联想到的东西全部用舞蹈表现出来的。真正能做到这一点的不是好的dancer了,而是艺术家了。舞者的高低不是看谁的动作好看,而是看谁能把音乐表现的更多,更完美! 当然要表现音乐感情就需要很好的基本功还有对音乐丰富的理解拉!
Final Fantasy XIV 最终幻想XIV
TERA: The Exiled Realm of .. TERE:放逐者的国度
Gods and Heroes: Rome Risi.. 众神与英雄:罗马的崛起
Earthrise 地出
EVE Online 星战前传online
Lord of the Rings Online 指环王魔戒 online
Atlantica Online (Atlantica这是别人自己开发商杜撰的一个地名)
EverQuest II 无尽的任务II
Black Prophecy 黑色预言
All Points Bulletin 全境通缉
Fallen Earth 废土世界
Guild Wars 激战
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes 天行者:英雄诗歌
Dark Age of Camelot 卡米洛的黑暗时代
Ryzom Ryzom传奇
Warhammer Online 战锤Online
LEGO Universe 乐高宇宙
City of Heroes 英雄之城
WonderKing 神童之王
Blade Soul 剑灵
Stargate Worlds 星门世界
The Secret World 神秘世界
Heroes of Telara 帖莱菈英雄传
Hero's Journey 英雄之旅
Jumpgate Evolution 跳跃之门:进化
City of Villains 罪恶之城
摇滚的,五月天的不错 先说女生唱的动感较强的。弹跳,跳绳时候都可以听的~ 蔡依林《说爱你》蔡依林《睁一只眼闭一只眼》Jolin的好多歌都很动感,大家任意选~董燕妮《龙族》这首上过单曲榜哦~金莎《大小姐》金莎《停电》金莎就是减肥成功很好的一个例子!!!大家可以效仿!梁静茹《小手拉大手》梁静茹《love is everything》静茹多都是伤心情歌...这两首还蛮快乐~孙燕姿《绿光》当初那个红阿....张韶涵《静不下来》那就动起来!!!! 1、Vertigo,U2《How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb》
4、Flutter,Bonobo《The L Word Enhanced Soundtrack》
5、Kiss The World,Catlow《The L Word Season 3 Soundtrack CD1》
6、Natural's Not in It,Gang of Four《Entertainment! [EMI UK Expanded]》
7、Suddenly I See,KT Tunstall《Eye To The Telescope》
8、Faint ,Linkin Park《Meteora Rock》
10、Transformation,Pam Grier + Nona Hendryx + Betty《The L Word Season 3 Soundtrack CD1》
11、Boys Wanna Be Her,Peaches《The.L.Word.Season4.Soundtrack》
12、Money,Pink Floyd《100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos》
13、Rock DJ,Robbin
14、Come On Over,Christina Aguilera
16、Ciega, Sordomuda,Shakira
17、Made Jamie,Scott《Step Up》
这种歌Mariah Carey有很多哦~给你看几个~而且都是自己作词,自己谱曲~楼主下载歌曲配到听才给力~
1. Hero
there's a hero
if you look inside your heart
you don't have to be afraid
of what you are
there's an answer
if you reach into your soul
and the sorrow that you know
will melt away
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
it's a long road
when you face the world alone
no one reaches out a hand
for you to hold
you can find love
if you search within yourself
and the emptiness you felt
will disappear
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
lord knows
dreams are hard to follow
but don't let anyone
tear them away
there will be tomorrow
in time
you'll find the way
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
that a hero lies in you
2. ThroughThe Rain
when you get caught in the rain
with no where to run
when you're distraught and in pain
without anyone
when you keep crying out to be saved
but nobody comes and you feel so far away
that you just can't find your way home
you can get there alone
it's okay, what you say is
i can make it through the rain
i can stand up once again on my own
and i know that i'm strong enough to mend
and every time i feel afraid
i hold tighter to my faith
and i live one more day
and i make it through the rain
and if you keep falling down
don't you dare give in
you will arise safe and sound
so keep pressing on steadfastly
and you'll find what you need to prevail
what you say is
and when the rain blows
as shadows grow close don't be afraid
there's nothing you can't face
and should they tell you
you'll never pull through
don't hesitate
stand tall and say
i can make it through the rain
and i live once again
and i live one more day
and i can make it through the rain
(ohhh yes you can)
you will make it through the rain
3. Can't Take That Away
They can say,
Anything they want to say,
Try to bring me down,
But I will not allow anyone to succeed hanging clouds over me,
And they can try
How to make me feel that I,
Don't matter at all,
But I refuse to falter in what I believe or loose faith in my dreams
'Cause there's,
There's a light in me,
That shines brightly,
They can try,
But they can't take that away from me
From me
No no nooo
Oh they,
They can do
Anything they want to you,
If you let them in,
But they won't ever win,
If you cling to you pride, and just push them aside,
See I,
I have learned,
There's an inner peace I own,
Something in my soul that they can not possess
So I won't be afraid and the darkness will fade
'Cause there's,
There's light in me me,
That shines brightly, yes
They can try,
But they can't take that away from me
No oh oh,
They can't take this
Precious love I'll always have inside me,
Certainly the Lord will guide me where I need to go
Woah, woahThey can say
Anything they want to say,
Try to bring me down,
But I won't face the ground,
I will rise steadily sailing out of their reach,
Although they do try,
How to make me feel that I,
Don't matter at all,
But I refuse to fall,
Tell me what I believe or loose faith in my dreams,
'Cause there's a light in me,
That shines brightly yes
They can try but they can't take that away from
From me
No no nooo
4. Make It Happen
Not more than three short years ago
I was abandoned and alone
Without a penny to my name
So very young and so afraid
No proper shoes on my feet
Sometimes I couldn't even eat
I often cried myself to sleep
But still I had to keep on going
Never knowing if I could take it
If I could make it through the night
I held on to my faith
I struggled and I prayed
And now I've found my way
If you believe in yourself enough
Carey Mariah
And know what you want
You're gonna make it happen
Make it happen
And if you get down on your knees at night
And pray to the Lord
He's gonna make it happen
Make it happen
I know life can be so tough
And you feel like giving up
But you must be strong
Baby just hold on
You'll never find the answers
If you throw your life away
I used to feel the way you do
But still I had to keep on going
Never knowing if I could take it
If I could make it through the night
I held on to my faith
And now I've finally found my way
Chorus (x2)
Make it through the night
I held on to my faith
I struggled and I prayed
And now I've finally found my way
Chorus (x2)
I once was lost
But now I'm found
I got my feet on solid ground
Thank you Lord
If you believe within your soul
Just hold on tight
And don't let go
You can make it
Make it happen
Chorus (x2)
5. Fly Like A Bird
somehow i know that
there's a place up above
with no more hurt and struggling
free of all atrocities and suffering
because i feel the unconditional love
from one who cares enough for me
to erase all my burdens
and let me be free to
fly like a bird
take to the sky
i need you now lord
carry me high
don't let the world break me tonight
i need the strength of you by my side
sometimes this life can be so cold
i pray you'll come and carry me home
can we recover
will the world ever be
a place of peace and harmony
with no war and with no brutality
if we loved each other
we would find victory
but in this harsh reality
sometimes i'm so despondant
that i feel the need to
fly like a bird
take to the sky
i need you now lord
carry me high
don't let the world break me tonight
i need the strength of you by my side
sometimes this life can be so cold
i pray you'll come and carry me home
keep your head to the sky
with god's love you'll survive
fly like a bird
take to the sky
i need you now lord
carry me high
don't let the world break me tonight
i need the strength of you by my side
sometimes this life can be so cold
i pray you'll come and carry me home
carry me higher, higher, higher
carry me higher, higher, higher
carry me home
higher jesus
carry me higher lord
6. Butterfly
When you love someone so deeply
They become your life
It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside
Blindly I imaged I could
Keep you under glass
Now I understand to hold you
I must open my hands
And watch you rise
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were ment to be
So spread your wings and fly
I have learned that beauty
Has to flourish in the light
Wild horses run unbridled
Or their spirit dies
You have given me the courage
To be all that I can
And truly feel your heart will
Lead you back to me when you're
Ready to land
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were ment to be
So spread your wings and fly
I can't pretend these tears
Aren't over flowing steadily
I can't prevent this hurt from
Almost overtaking me
But will stand and say goodbye
For you'll never be mine
Until you know the way it feels to fly
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were ment to be
So spread your wings and fly
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were ment to be
So spread your wings and fly
So flutter through the sky
Spread your wings and fly
7. Rainbow (the Interlude)
i know there is a rainbow
for me to follow
to get beyond my sorrow
thunder precedes the sunlight
so i'll be alright
if i can find that
rainbow's end
i will be alright
if i can find that
rainbow's end
8. My Saving Grace
i've still got a lot to learn
but, at least i know where i can turn
when i'm in my times of need
just as long
(as i know all things are possible)
just as long as i believe
i've loved a lot, hurt a lot
been burned a lot in my life and times
spent precious years wrapped up in fear
with no end in sight
until my saving grace shined on me
until my saving grace set me free
giving me peace
giving me strength when i'd
almost lost it all
catching my every fall
i still exist because you keep me safe
i found my saving grace within you
yes, i've been bruised
grew up confused
been destitute
i've seen life from many sides
been stigmatized
been black and white
felt inferior inside
until my saving grace shined on me
until my saving grace set me free
giving me peace
giving me strength when i'd
almost lost it all
catching my every fall
i still exist because you kept me safe
i found my saving grace within you
and the bountiful things that you do
lord thank you
for delivering me
and givingme peace
giving me strength
giving me hope when i'd
almost lost it all
catching my every fall
i still exist because you keep me safe
always my saving grace
pulls me through
i found my saving grace within you
(yes you are ? you're my every, everything)
within you
yes lord
(only you)
my saving grace lord is you