Tables E-1, E-2 and E-3 list the required files from each of the SQL*Plus and OCI packages. The files from only one of the OCI packages are required. Other files installed that are not listed here can be ignored, or can be removed to save disk space.
Table D-1 Instant Client Files in the SQL*Plus Package
Linux and UNIX | Windows | Description |
sqlplus |
sqlplus.exe |
SQL*Plus executable |
libsqlplus.so |
not applicable |
SQL*Plus library |
libsqlplusic.so |
orasqlplusic11.dll |
SQL*Plus data shared library |
Table D-2 Instant Client Files in the Basic OCI Package
Linux and UNIX | Windows | Description |
libclntsh.so.11.1 |
oci.dll |
Client code library |
libociei.so |
oraociei11.dll |
OCI Instant Client data shared library |
libnnz11.so |
orannzsbb11.dll |
Security library |
Table D-3 Instant Client Files in the Lightweight OCI Package
Linux and UNIX | Windows | Description |
libclntsh.so.11.1 |
oci.dll |
Client code library |
libociicus.so |
oraociicus11.dll |
OCI Instant Client data shared library (English only) |
libnnz11.so |
orannzsbb11.dll |
Security library |