在hadoop namenode节点上修改hadoop2.7.7 目录
cd ~/hadoop-2.7.7/etc/hadoop/
[hadoop@namenodeyw hadoop]$ cat masters
datenodeyw1 #说明 SecondaryNameNode 服务将再这台节点上启动
[hadoop@namenodeyw hadoop]$ cat hdfs-site.xmldfs.http.address namenodeyw:50070 The address and the base port where the dfs namenode web ui will listen on. If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port. dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address datanodeyw1:50090 dfs.name.dir /opt/hadoop/dfs/name Path on the local filesystem where theNameNode stores the namespace and transactions logs persistently. dfs.data.dir /opt/hadoop/dfs/data Comma separated list of paths on the localfilesystem of a DataNode where it should store its blocks. dfs.replication 3 dfs.permissions false need not permissions
[hadoop@namenodeyw hadoop]$ cat core-site.xml
hadoop.tmp.dir /opt/hadoop/tmp Abase for other temporary directories. fs.default.name hdfs://namenodeyw:9000 fs.checkpoint.period 3600 The number of seconds between two periodic checkpoints. fs.checkpoint.size 67108864
先重启hadoop机器 ./start-all.sh
再重启 zookeeper ./zkSever.sh start
再到配置hbase主节点上启动habase ./start-hbase.sh
./start-all.sh 启动后进程截图
[hadoop@namenodeyw sbin]$ jps
8017 NodeManager
8389 Jps
7498 NameNode
7642 DataNode
7900 ResourceManager
[hadoop@datanodeyw1 hadoop]$ jps
16529 DataNode
16305 Main
16770 NodeManager
17238 Jps
16639 SecondaryNameNode
[hadoop@datanodeyw2 bin]$ jps
13139 DataNode
13400 Jps
13257 NodeManager
在namenode上启动 start-yarn.sh 提示已经启动。
[hadoop@namenodeyw sbin]$ ./start-yarn.sh
starting yarn daemons
resourcemanager running as process 7900. Stop it first.
namenodeyw: nodemanager running as process 8017. Stop it first.
datanodeyw2: nodemanager running as process 13257. Stop it first.
datanodeyw1: nodemanager running as process 16770. Stop it first.