ls - List the contents of your present working directory.
pwd - Shows you what your present working directoryis.
cd - Let youchange directories.
rm - Remove one or more files.
rmdir - Removean empty directory.
mkdir -Makea directory.
ps - Provides a list of currently running processes.
cp - Copya file.
mv - Move a file (this is also used to rename a file. "Moving" it from one file name to another.)
grep - The global regular expression print programlets you search through a file or output of another program.
find -Find a file on the filesystem (100% accurate, but not fast).
locate - Find a file on the filesystem from a cached list of files (Fast, but not 100% accurate).
man - Displays the manualfor most commands (including 'man').
clear - clearthe screen
less - view the contents of a file
nano - Nano's ANOther editor
sudo - super user do
su -switch user(default to root)
view - Start in read-only mode. You will be protected from writing the files. Can also be done with the "-R" argument.